

Lab Members







The current research of the group has developed from investigations that have been initiated in 1990 after re-establishing of the University and Faculty of Natural Sciences. Since then Biophysical Research group deals with cell and tissue behavior in the electric fields, with special focus on cell electroporation and sonoporation-mediated drug and gene delivery. Currently there are many pharmaceutical compounds, however part of them because of low penetration into tissues and cells, rapid clearance, inactivation or because of various sides effects do not reach clinics. Therefore targeted and controlled drug delivery is of paramount importance that can be compared by development of new drugs. The aims of the group are to gain detailed insight in the mechanism of cell electroporation and sonoporation and to implement them into clinics for tumor treatment. In addition, a special focus is given to understand mechanisms of electroporation and sonoporation mediated gene delivery aiming to apply the methods for gene therapy.



A new subject of the group is related to nervous system development and regeneration. During development of nervous system growing axons are constantly influenced by various factors and signaling molecules that determine not only neuron survival but also axon guidance and precise connections with other cells. Understanding of these mechanisms is of key importance for development strategies to stimulate axon regeneration after nervous system injuries. During last decades it has been described several large signaling molecule families, such as Netrins, Ephrin, Slit, and Semaphorins that through various pathways attract or repel growing axons. Using various methods we aim to understand signaling pathways of these signaling molecules giving main focus on Semaphorin 3A.

Vytautas Magnus University, Faculty of Natural Sciencies, Centre of Environmental Research,

Vileikos str. 8, Kaunas LT-44404, LITHUANIA